Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why You Suck at Golf Why You Suck at Golf: 50 Most Common Mistakes by Recreational Golfers eBook: Clive Scarff: Kindle Store:

When I first heard about this book from my friends, I thought "Man, I would really like to know." Then I thought, maybe ignorance is bliss and the less I think about it, the better off I'll be on the course. Typically, golf self help books are hit and miss and mostly just screw up your swing or your mind or both. But since the title suggests a humorous look at your game (and boy can my game use a good laugh) I downloaded it to my kindle and read it on the train ride home from work. As it turns out, it is a really fast read and I got 50 great tips with a good laugh while I learned a couple of things about my game.

For starters you will immediately recognize the bad habits you see in players all the time and maybe even recognize in yourself. I know I found a couple of good ones about myself. For example, I have gotten into the habit of chipping with a single club I felt comfortable with leaving me bad putts and losing strokes. One of the tips reminded me to start using all my clubs and planning my approach a little better to give myself a chance to make a putt. There are tips for simplifying your strategy and your practice routines as well as ways to improve your overall enjoyment of the game. I cannot wait to try a suggestion to simulate a few holes at the range hitting driver, iron, wedge and a chip like you are playing a par 5.

Overall, I found some positive reinforcement in that I have learned to avoid most of the bad habits and found I already exercise some good process in practice and strategy. In addition, I think I learned I few things that will improve my game a little and my enjoyment without wreaking havoc with my swing or my psyche.

On the other hand, since I seem to have a pretty good approach to the game, why do I still suck at golf?

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